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Year: 2010

Articles in issue

PW4000-100/-112 series specifications, Issue 68 Feb/Mar 2010

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PW4000-100 & -112 series fuel burn performance, Issue 68 Feb/Mar 2010

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PW4000-100 & -112 series maintenance costs, Issue 68 Feb/Mar 2010

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Forecasting & analysing route & network performance, Issue 68 Feb/Mar 2010

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Systems to analyse revenue & yield performance, Issue 68 Feb/Mar 2010

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The costs of narrowbody interior refurbishment, Issue 68 Feb/Mar 2010

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Recent advances in documentation technology, Issue 68 Feb/Mar 2010

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Who's who in the CFM56-3 support market, Issue 68 Feb/Mar 2010

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Narrowbody freighters: sourcing the right aircraft, Issue 68 Feb/Mar 2010

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