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Year: 2009

Articles in issue

PW1000G testing confirms performance predictions, Issue 62 Feb/Mar '09

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The used market potential of 757-200s, Issue 62 Feb/Mar '09

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The economics of engine sale & leasebacks, Issue 62 Feb/Mar '09

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787/777 vs A350 family, Issue 62 Feb/Mar '09

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The cost elements of employing flightcrew, Issue 62 Feb/Mar '09

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Technology for on-board sales, Issue 62 Feb/Mar '09

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A320 family global technical support providers survey, Issue 62 Feb/Mar '09

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Analysing the engine shop visit process, Issue 62 Feb/Mar '09

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MRO & flight operations software suppliers survey 2009, Issue 62 Feb/Mar '09

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Widebody freighter acquisition, Issue 62 Feb/Mar 2009

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