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All subjects Magazine subjectIT in Maintenance & EngineeringBig data analytics, the internet-of-things (Iot), and E-Enablement
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The aircraft big data explosion: how much is enough? Issue 133 Dec 2020/Jan 2021

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Interfacing M&E systems with Big Data & Predictives systems, Issue 127 Dec 2019/Jan 2020

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Airline result of using Big Data & Predictive, Issue 125 Aug/Sep 2019

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Preparing to use big data analytics & predictives in maintenance, Issue 121 Dec 2018/Jan 2019

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Examples of airline experience with big data & predictive maintenance, Issue 120 Oct/Nov 2018

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E-Enablement & data analytics in flight operations, Issue 108 Oct/Nov 2016

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How can M&E systems fit into airline e-Enablement strategies? Issue 106 Jun/Jul 2016

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Big data analytics: a new era of airline operations? Issue 104 Feb/Mar 2016

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